Site profile of Aracode village panchayath
Site profile of Aracode village panchayat
An overview of the community based measuring, reporting, verification protocol.
Climate Smart Schools
With 10 schools in Tamilnadu, we engage our students with activities to provoke and encourage local knowledge. Also using the green infrastructure to connect with the curriculum like LED lights, weather station, kitchen garden and shower taps for an experiential learning.
Analog Forestry a Gender Just Climate Solution- English, Tamil
Analog forestry is an approach to ecological restoration that uses natural forests as a guide to create ecologically stable and socio-economically productive landscape
CbMRV overview
An overview of the community based measuring, reporting and verification protocol
Forest Plants of the Nilgiris- North eastern Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
The North Eastern part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve(NBR), has a wide variation of flora ranging from the dry decides, riparian forest and grassland. the fourth in a part of series, this field guide covers the dominant plants of this zone.
wildlife transect
Methodology for wildlife movement data collection
Roadkill monitoring
Methodology for roadkill monitoring data collection
Animals postmortem
Datasheets for wild animals postmortem
Wildlife site monitoring
Datasheets for site monitoring in spring and waterholes
Gaur herd composition
Datasheets for Indian gaur herd composition data collection.
Rescue and Rehab
This report will gives you the details about Rescue and rehab work in the nilgiris .
Bird list _ Sigur and Pillur
Bird list and local names from Sigur and Pillur. Developed by Sandhya Selvaraju (Intern) with the help of Asish, Nithya, Rajendran.
Barefoot Ecology Mahasabha 2021
BFE mahasabha conducted in Sigur (Mavanallah) where all the BFEs who have worked with us came together. Bhavya led the programme.
Barefoot ecology training_GAGGA_Eastern India
Barefoot ecology training to community members in Easter India in 2022. Bhavya, Rohan and Asish lead the sessions.
Lion tailed macaque project photos and video from Nilambur
Lion tailed macaque project related photos from Nilambur. Photos showing the team- Ajesh M, Rajesh R and Asish doing the survey
Birds of Nilambur Pocket Field Guide Pages
Birds of Nilambur Pocket Field Guide created with copy left photos in the internet and ebird bird checklists of that region.
Final Project Reports for CLP and Rufford; Lion tailed macaque project
Final project report shared with Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) and Rufford foundation. Lion tailed macaque project in Nilambur.
Life & Habitat of Lion Tailed Macaque
Book published as an output of Lion- tailed macaque project in Nilambur. Book includes facts about lion tailed macaque.
Lion tailed macaque project poster
Poster presented at ICCB 2023 conference. The poster is made as an output for Lion tailed macaque (LTM) project in Nilambur.
Bees posters_FAO
A collection of posters focusing on Honey Bees was created for the HoneyBar event hosted by the FAO. These posters offer insights into different species of indigenous honey bees worldwide, exploring the art of beekeeping and its connections with native communities globally. The exhibition, curated by the Keystone Foundation, was enhanced with supplementary details on the native honeybee species found in the Nilgiris region.
Kota Pottery
Wild food Kanada Book_Sholiga janavana aahara
This booklet, fourth in the series, documents the indigenous knowledge of the sholiga communities in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. This book is about food from the forest.
Irula Wild food-pillur book final with Index
This booklet, the third in the series , documents the indigenous knowledge of communities in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. The current publication contains the wild food plants of the Irula of the Pillur region.