Land and Livelihoods

The work on land development, agriculture and traditional livelihoods amongst Indigenous Communities in NBR started in the early 1990s. Over the last 3 decades, the work on Land and Livelihoods has focussed on food sovereignty, forest foraging, Non-Timber Forest Produce and subsistence farming that has been intrinsic to indigenous lifeways. In this regard, communities have been navigating multiple commercial and market pressures, climatic changes as well as opportunities provided by the government and civil society organisations. This led Keystone to explore multiple avenues for partnerships that hinged on access to infrastructure, claiming land rights and social entitlements, facilitating community based Farmer-Producer Organisations as well as promoting empowerment and overall community wellbeing. Keystone Foundation’s work, learning and knowledge has been enriched through networks across the country and the world. This collection contains notes, reports, publications, posters, photos, videos and other knowledge materials from the various projects and engagements with indigenous communities on this subject.

Visit the Institutional Pathways Exhibit on Land and Agriculture for the detailed origin story related to this work. View the media items on this subject below.