Destroying beekeepers - Thai Sacbrood Virus_B&D -1995
In this journal How the Thai Sacbrood Virus attacked the Honeycomb, affetcted places in southern states, symptoms of TSBV in Apis dorsata, and similar symptoms in apis cerana also, The virus attacks at the larval and early pupal stage, The local beekeepers have tried treating with the herbal plants, and the experimentals by the Central Bee Reserch and Training Institute. The current situation of the Beekeepers after the TSBV.
The Poor and the Private Sector _ Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition_2009
A meeting point of conservation, Enterprise, Livelihood, Educating to preserve the Old by Creating the New, GOONJ transforms villages through its Cloth for Work, Enhancing income of farmers Through PAC, GCS bank is a sustainable approach to achieve seed security using market, Extending Micro-Insurance to rural India throough TATA AIG, Waste maagement, environment, conservation and employment, The SFCD founded by Dr. Madhumitha Puri, Public-Private-Partnership.
The Nilgiri Natural History Society was officially launched on 18th of february 2010. the society aims to promote ecological, design and implement projects, undertaking research activities, network and exchange info, The Save Western Ghats Meet 2010 was held from feb 18 to 20 at keystone foundation. dicussed about to protect the NBR, large dams , thermal power plants, issues of indigenous people, human-wildlife conflict, GM and organic farming and mining.
Conserving medicinal Species_IUCN_2006
Cultural bonding between the communities of hunter-gatheres. Usages of chemical fertilizers and pesticides which affect the water retention capacity of the soil, threats by the commercial plantations like eucalyptus and wattle.consume of the honey by the irula and kurumba community.
The Honey hunters of Tamil Nadu-Climbing Through a Period of Change_1995- Forest Trees & People Newsletter no 29.
The newsletter which gives you the details of the honey hunting tech, rituals what they following, uses of the honey and the comb,
Skill-Cum_Technology_ Upgradation _Programme060_Report
In this programme paper, The plan to take place at the Honey hunters programme, The issues discussed in the meeting, The honey hunters group were shown the solar wax extractor and other simple equipment for honey and wax extraction, participants details. Field trip details like members who took participate, route taken, The places visited, Notes from along the way. Suresh Chengappa Farm, Baghamandala/talai cauvery, Progressive beekeeper's co-operative society, Beekeeping training institute, and also visited to the all india Honey Festival Apiexi '98, Beekeeping training programme on 22nd August, 98.
Natural resources management and poverty alleviation in Mountain areas
In This conference paper series gives you the details of natural resource management and poverty alleviation in the mountain areas, and tha past and present approaches to NRM, Comparison between traditional sysytem and the present day systems NRM, lessons for rebuilding the natural assets,
Mangoes in the wild
It wa as first with the Cholanaikans , a hunter-gatherer community of the Nilambur valley of south india. They lived along river banks of rushing waters that flowed into the Chaliyar, wild mangoes used as a substitute for tamarind from the pulp of the wild mango. Collectioons from the wild of many plants still happens and the indigenous people are the collectors. it is a dominant species of the riparian ecosystem, just remember they are more a treat for the eyes than a feast for the tongue.
Ecological Monitoring for Sustainable Forest Management_Community Forestry
In this article the complete records of honey and amla collection and the other details are mentioned. The forest resource map for each village defines the forest boundary, The types of product and the resource assessment strategy adopted by KF. With experience in ecology monitoring , we visited Orissa on an invitation from RCDC, which is working towards building an inventory of forest produce in Koraput and Rayagada Districts.we were concerned that there was a feeling hat the forest was an inexhaustible resource.
The Local and International Significance of Income From Honey Hunting_1998
In this article, it gives you the keystone's eco-development in itiatives in nilgiris, and wworking experience with honey hunters group of thetribal communities. The honey hunters are Disorganised and informal, located in remote locations, silent, shy people who help each other in the honey trade through word of mouth. their income through the honey hhunting, the importance of Apis dorsata in the Indian honey industry. At keystone, marketting and enterprise development aims to become a major part of our work.
Appropriate Technology for Beekeeping with Apis Cerana
From this article they gave details about how to design an appropriate beehive, appropriate bees, A key to larger colonies, how to get more combs in the same volume, types of hives, new innovations for hives, selecting material for the hives.
Appropriate Technologies for Apiculture with Tribal Communities_1998 National Seminar on Living Resources for Millennium
working with the honey hunter group from tribal communities in the Nilgiris for the past four years on various issues of natural resource management and rural development. One of the focal points in this effort has been apiculture and related activities.
The Local and International Significance of Income From Honey Hunting_1998 08 FAO Workshop on Sustainable Beekeeping Development
In this article gives you the keystone's eco-development in itiatives in nilgiris, and wworking experience with honey hunters group of thetribal communities. The honey hunters are Disorganised and informal, located in remote locatins, silent, shy people who help each other in the honey trade through word of mouth. their income through the honey hhunting, the importance of Apis dorsata in the Indian honey industry. At keystone, marketting and enterprise development aims to become a major part of our work.
Honey Hunters of the Nilgiri's on a Road to Sustainability_1997 09 presented at Apimondia
This gives us the complete details of Honey hunters of the nilgiris. Hunting practices, the tools and techniques which is used by the Tribal communities. Traditional honey hunting details. Their beliefs, superstitions and traditions. Information documentation, sustainable studies, marketing support development of the hunters, village institution, network and the policy by the KF.
Beekeeping and Bee Disease Scenario in the Nilgiri's _1996 05 Beekeeping Conference
This article gives us the details of the beekeeping and the Bee disease scenario in the Nilgiris. How the Thai Sac Brood virus spread into the colonies in the wild.keystone's experience in facing and handling the disease in tamilnadu. Ecological and Socio-econimical perspective in beekeeping.
The Little Things That Run the World
Insect from a large part of biodiversity on earth. And Biodiversity is important for the resilience of this planet we all inhabit. A large proportion of biodiversity exists in agricultural landscapes close o forests.There is an entire range of arthropods that live in such systems and perform specific roles to maintain the ecological harmony of the habitat.
The Hills are Alive_jet airways magazine
The UNESCO recently recognised The Western Ghats as a World Heritage Site owing to its great biological diversity and exceptional natural beauty, A total of 39 sites across the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Maharastra have been chosen for the honour in seven wildlife sub-clusters. exploring the regions wild beauty. selection of waterfalls, national parks, exotic hill.
Bees for development _article by Leo
In this article, The NBR forms part of the western Ghats in India and includes diverse ecologocal systems with unique natural and cultural heritage. The grasslands and Shola woodland patches provide nectar and pollen sources for apis Cerana. Natural cavities in living trees within a patch of forest are identified by the Toda people. The NDA and TNFD recognised the Toda settlement and neighbouring forest Bekapathy Mund as being in need of protection to conserve bee habitats. surveying and documenting all cavities. documenting the cavities which are not harvested, awareness, creating watchdog committe.
One of the biggest opportunities and challenges in conservation linked field studies lies in the use of local and indigenous knowledge for ensuring benefits to the people while meeting the goals of conservation. Bare foot ecologists were involved in ecological field studies on NTFP that involved the creation. It is extremely important that these barefoot ecologists ne nurtured.
Every year, at least 1000ha of forest destroyed by human-induced fire. Inrecent decades the forest area of NBR have drastically reduced due to development & tourism activities. The golf circuit for young ones is hotting up in the nilgiris. First time participant YASH YOHAAN PRASAD is our personality of the month. Vitamin A, get red coloured veg and fruits to you table , give yourself the much needed vitamin A. sacred Buffelles, diaries and dairymen in south India.Animal trophy possession- the new hunting ground , for many, The kodanad View point, tea and tourism combined. Riverside tea plantations.A significant event in anglo-Indian history. The founding of HMSI was a landmark in the history of the community. Mountain Home School, coonoor , a result of the Society's far-reaching initiative.
Western Ghats_2010 Apr Prot Area Update
The Nilgiri Natural History Society was officially launched on 18th of february 2010. the society aims to promote ecological, design and implement projects, undertaking research activities, network and exchange info, The Save Western Ghats Meet 2010 was held from feb 18 to 20 at keystone foundation. dicussed about to protect the NBR, large dams , thermal power plants, issues of indigenous people, human-wildlife conflict, GM and organic farming and mining.
Supporting agricultural research through grants_Making a difference in Asia and the Pacific (IFAD)
Keystone Sets up Nature Interpretation Centre at Sathyamangalam_2009-08-10 The Local
An Indigenous Broom made from Parthenium hysterophorus L. ( Asteraceae)_2009 Vol 14 Envis Newsletter
Rao reported Parthenium hysterophorus came to India from Poona in 1956. it is commonly called as Carrot Grass, congress grass or wild caarroy grass, in hindi is known as chatak chandani or Gajar ghas. It came to India along with PL 480 wheat seeds in 1950's. it is one of the ten worst weeds in the world and dangerous to crops, animals and human being. interestingly in NBR it was founded and it has become a part and parcel of the day to day life of Irulas. In neeradi village of pillur, they harvest, tied into bundles, dried till leaves fall off, and also spotted the same kind of broom in Bangalabadigai and Chokkanalli areas.
The Poor and Private Sector Sitaram Rao Livelihoods India Case Study Competition Conservation Enterprise and Livelihoods A dilemma or a Meeting Point_2009