Forest Plants of the Nilgiris - North Eastern NBR
Item Set
Butea monosperma Pictures of the Butea monosperma tree
Buchanania lanzan Pictures of Buchanania lanzan
Buchanania axillaris Picture of Buchanania axillaris
Bridelia crenulata Pictures of the fruit and flowers of Bridelia crenulata
Bombax ceiba Picture of Bombax ceiba and close up of its flowers
Bauhinia racemosa Pictures of Bauhinia racemosa
Balanites roxburghiana Picture of Balanites roxburghiana and close-ups of its fruit and flower
Atalantia monophylla Picture of Atalantia monophylla bearing fruit
Atalantia racemosa Picture of Atalantia racemosa bearing fruit
Anogeissus latifolia Pictures of Anogeissus latifolia
Allophyllus serratus Pictures of Allophyllus serratus
Albizia odoratissima Pictures of Albizia odoratissima
Albizia lebek Picture of the Albizia lebek pods
Acronychia pedunculata Picture of Acronychia pedunculata
Acacia polyantha Picture of the Acacia polyantha flowers
Acacia leucopholea Pictures of the Acacia leucopholea tree
Acacia chundra Picture of the Acacia chundra tree
Tarenna asiatica Pictures of Tarenna asiatica flower and fruit
Solanum torvum Picture of Solanum torvum bearing fruit and flowers
Solanum erianthum Pictures of Solanum erianthum
Senna septemtrionalis Picture of Senna septemtrionalis in bloom and close up of its flower
Senna hirsuta Picture of Senna hirsuta flowering and close up of its flower
Senna auriculata Picture of Senna auriculata flowering
Phoenix lourenii Picture of Phoenix lourenii bearing fruit
Pavetta zeylanica Picture of Pavetta zeylanica flowering