Pollinators, Apiculture, Honey & Bees
Item Set
Bees posters_FAO A collection of posters focusing on Honey Bees was created for the HoneyBar event hosted by the FAO. These posters offer insights into different species of indigenous honey bees worldwide, exploring the art of beekeeping and its connections with native communities globally. The exhibition, curated by the Keystone Foundation, was enhanced with supplementary details on the native honeybee species found in the Nilgiris region.
Honey Hunters of the Blue Mountains Honey hunting practices of Kurumba community in Nilgiris, started off with work in Semmanarai,. Work of other areas in Coonoor were also featured.
Honey Hunters and Beekeepers of Tamil Nadu Primary survey of TN Honeyhunters. 16 tribal communitites and surveyed 11 hill areas To see the status of beekeeping and honeyhunting skills and issues related to bees and the environment
- Handbook on Honey Hunting and Beekeeping
- Madhu Duniya
- Honey Hunters and Beekeepers of Tamil Nadu