Water and Sanitation
Item Set
Ripples in Water - Reflections from Keystone's Work on Water in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve : 1995 - 2019 This book details Keystone's work on Hill Waters and associated water bodies such as springs, streams, wetlands, etc. Nilgiris itself is a very important catchment area and this book walks us through the major initiatives in Water, undertaken by Keystone, and the learnings and commuity responses from it.
water resource map of Thadasalhatty It is a map of water bodies found in Thadasalhatty village.They are natural springs located inside village and bordering Forest.The reason to make the water inventory and map was to see how water conservation works can be taken up under conservation agreements.
water resource map of Galidhimbam It is a map of water bodies found in the Galidhimbam Village.They are natural springs locate inside village and bordering forest. The reason to make the water inventory and map was to see how water conservation works can be taken up under conservation agreements.After the map was created, in Galidhimbam from Governement in total 8 water bodies were supported like wells and checkdams, which are not captured in the map.
Water resource map of Mavanatham It is a map of water bodies found in the Mavanatham Village. They are natural springs locate inside village and bordering forest. The reason to make the water inventory and map was to see how water conservation works can be taken up under conservation agreements.
Water resource map of Itterai It is a map of water bodies found in the Itterai Village. They are natural springs and few are located near to naeri trees specifically.There is checkdam also mentioned in the map which were built long back. The reason to make the water inventory and map was to see how water conservation works can be taken up under conservation agreements.
- Poster on fauna of wetlands
- Poster on flora of wetlands
- Poster on Happy Valley Springshed Restoration_English, Tamil
- Posters on Hydrogeology of the region (3 nos)
- Poster on Water Security Plan - Bilingual
- Special edition of Seemai Sudhi Tribal Newspaper on springs
- Article in the NNHS newsletter on water resources of the Pillur Area
- Article in the NNHS newsletter on Springs
- Presentation on Groundwater situation in the Nilgiris for the Geospatial World Conference
- Case study on the use of mapping in our work published by FICCI
- Strengthening of Ground Water Management in the Nilgiris with focus on Spring Conservation
- Handout on Spring conservation in Tamil
- Tamil brochures of Springs Initiative
- Report on status of springs in Kotagiri Town Panchayat with recommendations for intervention.
- Handbook on developing Water Security Plans (Process Document)
- Paper on 'Reflection on data collection methods'
- GW-SAN Linkage Case Study of Ambikapuram Valley
- Report of the study of four wetlands in the Nilgiris
- Typology of Working areas
- Situation Analysis Report on the status of water resources in the Nilgiris