Giving farmers a new tool for rural development_2008_IFOAM Annual report
In 2008 IFOAM Addresses the rural development, they emphasized PGS as a powerful tool that empowers smallholders and producers to secure their income and bukd social capitol in their community. The experience in India has shown that the major benefits from working with PGS. IFOAM is the vital partner in Keystones efforts.
Regional Variation in NTFP Harvest Strategies_2008 Ecology & Society
Traditional knowledge about Indegenous people in Nilgiris. Indegenous Knowledge. NBR in the western ghats is home to moist, dry evergreen nad montane tropical forests. Wealthy flora and fauna. Adivasi dependence on forests, conservation of Indegenous knowledge, NTFP resource use in NBR. Traditional honey harvesting,
Adaptive Management of Medicinal Plants and NTFP_2008
World indigenous peoples day_2007 08 31_The Local
The writer is a member of the Kurumba community. She publishes a newsletter called Nilgiri Seemai Sudhi. In 1994 UN decided that the Internaional Indegenous People's Day on August 9 every year, this date is indicate the day of the first meeting in 1982.important milestone by keystone is "Nilgiri Seemai Sudhi", it’s a newspaper for the different communities.
Profile of Banglapadugai centre_2006 February
#of families living in the village, this irula village is situated between Rangaswami peak and Bhavani reservior. Land development work by keystone since 1999.Preparing, packing, weighing are done by this centre, womens progreesive Group founded in april 2004 with 6 regular basis workers.
Profile of Combei center_2006 January
Combei centre details, future plans for the centre, packaging capacity of the individual at the centre per day. Seasonal products and the packaging details of the final products of NTFP. Complete details of the full time and seasonal workers at the combei centre.
Bees wax_2005 October - December_Expressions magazine
In this magazine the editor gives an advice about how to build the fence between people who need peace in their life, reaching the targetted level of process maturity. Unique characteristics of bee wax, uses of bee wax in the various industries.
Impressions of marketing on the job_2005 December_Voices from the Forest
marketing details and processing of UMFI, NTFP-EP's work The marketing of MODI, Training expereince of fair trade system, implementation of marketing mix in practices.
NTFP Exchange programme_2005 December_Intercooperation in India working paper series Box 4
Ecology and Farming_2003
advantages of certification and trademark registration for their products. Keystone initiatives in local market sales of honey, bees wax and their products like beewax candles.
Bees and Bee products_2003_Non woods
details about Bees & Bee products, Honey as a medicine, certification for the honey products i.e, AGMARK.
Local Agendas for Organic agriculture in Rural Development_2002
Area details, problems in the areas, contsraints when marketing
Strengthening Livelihood_2002
Tribal Communities-Sustainable Livelihood Options_2002-09-08_Report on Public Hearing on Environment & Development
Beekeeping & development_1999 September
Beekeeping & development, Honey Bees in India, pros and cons in marketing/promoting honey and bee waxes, Growth of apis cerana in south India. TSBV effect and restorative.
Honey Hunters of the Nilgiris - The Road to Sustainability_1997 December_Beekeeping & Development
Traditional methods/ways/techniques of honey hunting, material/Tools used for hunting, seasons of hunting, rituals/prayers follwed by the hunters before/after hunting.Beliefs/superstitions/traditioin of the hoeny hunterscommunities.
Log hives of Sorag_1996 September- October _Beekeeping & Development
This journal gives you the details of log hives methods,harvesting periods, advantages of Log hives, food crops of the village other than beekeeping
The Honeyhunters of Tamil Nadu-Climbing Through a Period of Change_1995_Forest Trees & People Newsletter no 29
This is a newsletter which gives you the details of the honey hunting tech, rituals what they following, uses of the honey and the comb.