Item Set
Secamone emetica Picture of Secamone emetica (climber)
Scutia myrtina Picture of Scutia myrtina flowering and fruiting
Sargostemma brunonianum Picture of Sargostemma brunonianum (climber) in bloom
Rubus niveus Picture of Rubus niveus flowering and fruiting.
Rubia cordifolia Picture of Rubia cordifolia in bloom (climber)
Pterolobium hexandra Picture of Pterolobium hexandra in bloom
Passiflora subpeltata Picture of Passiflora subpeltata (climber) flowering and fruiting.
Naravelia zeylanica Picture of Naravelia zeylanica (climber) in bloom
Morinda umbellata Picture of Morinda umbellata flowering and fruiting.
Mimosa intsia Picture of Mimosa intsia and close up of its flower
Maculura spinosa Pictures of Maculura spinosa, in bloom and bearing fruit
Lonicera leschnaultii Picture of Lonicera leschnaultii (climber) in bloom
Jasminum arborescens Picture of Jasminum arborescens bearing fruit.
Jasminum angustifolium Picture of Jasminum angustifolium flowering
Ipomoea staphylina Picture of Ipomoea staphylina (climber) and its flowers and roots
Ipomoea obscura Picture of Ipomoea obscura (climber)
Ipomoea hederifolia Picture of Ipomoea hederifolia in bloom (climber)
Hemidesmus indicus Ppicture of Hemidesmus indicus (climber) and close up of its flower and its roots.
Gymnema sylvestris Picture of Gymnema sylvestris (climber)
Gnetum Picture of Gnetum and close up of its fruit (climber)
Gloriosa superba Picture of Gloriosa Superba in bloom (climber)
Embelia basal Embelia basal and close up of its fruit.
Elaegnus kolonga Picture of Elaegnus kolonga (climber)
Dioscorea oppositifolia Picture of Dioscorea oppositifolia and its tubers (climber)
Cryptolepis buchanani Picture of Cryptolepis buchanani (climber) and close up of its flower.