The Local and International Significance of Income From Honey Hunting_1998 08 FAO Workshop on Sustainable Beekeeping Development
- Title
- The Local and International Significance of Income From Honey Hunting_1998 08 FAO Workshop on Sustainable Beekeeping Development
- Description
- In this article gives you the keystone's eco-development in itiatives in nilgiris, and wworking experience with honey hunters group of thetribal communities. The honey hunters are Disorganised and informal, located in remote locatins, silent, shy people who help each other in the honey trade through word of mouth. their income through the honey hhunting, the importance of Apis dorsata in the Indian honey industry. At keystone, marketting and enterprise development aims to become a major part of our work.
- Contributor
- Pratim Roy.
- Date
- 1 August 1998
- Format
- Language
- english
- Publisher
- Keystone Foundation
- Tag
- The honey hunters, Income through hiney hunting, economy, benefits, Apis Dorsata, trading, enterprise,
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