- Springs_Keystone Badaga Calendar 2017
- Springs_Water Economic Study_Summary
- Springs_Water Economic Study_Report
- Springs_Water Economic Study_Poster
- Hydrogeological assessment in select regions of Nilgiris_March2018
- Hydrogeological mapping in selective regions of Nilgiris_October 2017
- NBR_Well_Inventory_master
- NBR_Springs_Inventory_master
- Sigur_area_Sigur_Baseline report_English
- Pillur_area_Pillur_Baseline report_English
- Kotagiri_area_Kotagiri_Baseline report_English
- Coonoor_Yedappalli Panchayat_Baseline report_English
- Coonoor_Hubbathalai Panchayat_Baseline report_English
- Coonoor_Burliyar Panchayat_Baseline report_English_Tamil
- Coonoor_Berhatty Panchayat_Baseline report_English_Tamil
- Coonoor_Bandisholai Panchayat_Baseline report_English_Tamil
CHW Training Module 5 - Nutrition Training module on better nutrional practices.
CHW Training Module 3 -Adolescent Health Training module on adolescent health.
CHW Training Module 1 A module on introducing health work.
- The Hunter Gatherer Initiative
Note on mental health and community wellness interventions A note on the experience and learning from two years of mental health interventions in the NBR.
Health in the NBR - Position Paper 2015-16 Reasons for Keystone Foundation to start health related programmeinterventions in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
Methodology for Health Baseline Survey 2015-2016 Methodology for the health baseline survey conducted between 2015 and 2016, in collaboration with Cornell University
A database for the melliferous flora in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India Paper presented for Apimondia 2007 at Melbourne, Australia
- A Study of Nest density of HoneyBees Nests in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve