Solanum torvum Picture of Solanum torvum bearing fruit and flowers
Solanum erianthum Pictures of Solanum erianthum
Senna septemtrionalis Picture of Senna septemtrionalis in bloom and close up of its flower
Senna hirsuta Picture of Senna hirsuta flowering and close up of its flower
Senna auriculata Picture of Senna auriculata flowering
Phoenix lourenii Picture of Phoenix lourenii bearing fruit
Pavetta zeylanica Picture of Pavetta zeylanica flowering
Pavetta tomentosa Picture of Pavetta tomentosa flowering
Opuntia stricta Picture of Opuntia stricta flowering and close up of its flower
Opuntia monacantha Picture of Opuntia monacantha flowering
Meytenus heyeniana Pictures of Meytenus heyeniana bearing fruit and flowers
Mahonia leschnaulti Pictures of Mahonia leschnaulti bearing fruit and flowers
Maesa indica Picture of Maesa indica
Lantana vernonifolia Picture of Lantana vernonifolia flowers
Lantana indica Picture of Lantana indica fruit and flowers
Lantana camara Picture of Lantana camara fruit and flowers
Justicia betonica Picture of Justicia betonica and close up of its flower
Jatropha gyossophifolia Picture of Jatropha gyossophifolia
Hypericum mysorense Picture of Hypericum mysorense
Helictres isora Picture of Helictres isora in bloom
Grewia hirsuta Picture of Grewia hirsuta
Grewia orbiculata Picture of Grewia orbiculata bearing fruit and flowers
Gomphocarpus physocarpus Picture of Gomphocarpus physocarpus bearing fruit and flowers
Gmelina asiatica Pictures of Gmelina asiatica bearing fruit and flowers
Fluggea virosa Picture of Fluggea virosa