The Nilgiris Adivasi - About Keystone_2008-2009
The Nilgiri adivasi Trust works with KF in kotagiri in concern with the ways of the life of the Adivasi and involves them in research. There are various welfare society and associations also helping the Adivasi people in NBR.
Bees for Development pamphlet_Shiny
This photograph is from the bees for Development, it indicates the Bees are the essential for life, it maintains the diversity, pollinate the crops, it gives food to the people, and finally bees are helping people through financially to fight poverty.
Bees for Development ad
This poster shows the Honey and beekeeping is is the main livelihood product of the tribal communities in africa, uganda, south India, etc..,
Among the Blue Mountains
The keystone initiatives the development of the indigenous communities and their livelihood with bees, biodiversity and forest livelihoods in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
Among the Blue Mountains_2008-11-20 Positive News Hong Kong
The keystone initiatives the development of the indigenous communities and their livelihood with bees, biodiversity and forest livelihoods in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
Power Transfer_2008-07-31 Down to Earth
The Government handed over complete charge of Minor forest produce to tribal people living in and around the forests of the state.
Kota Pottery Book Review_2008-05-31 The Local
The book Kota Pottery, speaks of the life of the Kota's, who are one amongst the indigenous communities of NBR. They are well-known in many trades, but are recognized for the art of fine pot making. They provide the Badugas and Todas with their supplies. Kota's are also popular for their music at ceremonies, amongst the other communities.
Up South Tea Trains and Colonial Bungalows_2008-01 Outlook Traveller
The Heritage of the Nilgiris like Tea estates, steam trains and the bungalows in the ooty and coonoor.
Honey Trails in the Blue Mountains_2008 OctDec Manpower Journal Book Review
In this the Biodiversity, honey collection and traditions attached to NBR, and the NTFP if the nilgiri landscape. And the variety of practices in honey gathering by various tribes in the Nilgiris.
Giving farmers a new tool for rural development_2008 IFOAM Annual Report
PGS allows to bring a larger numbers of farmers into the organic farming. Organic certificate is the major issues to the farmers to turn organic farming, through PGS it is possible to certified.
National and International Events_2008 12 no 4 Organic farming newsletter
This article is regardig the National and International Events on Organic Farming with PGS Organic India Council and IFOAM.
The Golden Chain_Whats the buzz_2008 11_ vol 9
The honey hunting process if the indigenous coomunity people in the NBR, Keystones foundations initiatives to work with the community and to improve their livelihood. Bee keeping and the products from the honey and the bee waxes value added byt the keystone foundation and selling through Green shop so that adivasi people also get some money.
Climate Resilient Development Synthesis report_Nilgiris case study_2008 11
Improving the Livelihoods of the indigenous communities in Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve in an effective ways and educating them to improve their livelihood using the NTFP's they are collecting from the forest, like honey, bee wax, cotton, amla, etc.,
National Workshop on Forest Honey Forest Honey and Forest Conservation workshop recordings_2008 10
This resource is from the proceedings on a workshop on Forest Honey in Jakarta, Indonesia, Robert Leo from India, who has worked extensively on forest honey, honey hunting and beekeeping is featured here. This article appeared in a booklet titled 'Forest Honey and Forest Conservation : What is the Link?'
PGS holds promise for small-holders and NTFP collectors_2008 09 no 15 Voices from the Forest
PGS is a way bringing in a large number of farmers and NTFP collectors into the organic fold who have not been able to access the third party systems of being certified organic.
Honey hunting in India as a way of life_2008 09 American Bee Journal
In this journal, the different jobs on the hunt of the Kurumbas are taken very seriously from making utensils used for hunting to collecting the honey combs.
Case Study on Keystone_2008 03 BigTech
This study is about the Keystone foundations work in NBR with indigenous communities on eco-development initiatives. Developed and upgraded through IT solutions by NASSCOM.
New film on NTFP's in India for release in October_2007 10 no 13 Voices from the Forest
NTFP EP's latest film offering promises to be another thought provoking piece and aims to contribute to the advocacy for sustainable forest-based livelihoods for communities in the region.
Honey hunting_2007-03-31 The Local
It describes the Honey hunting a unique tradition among indigenous people of nilgiris. How the kurumba's collecting honey from the cliff, the methods, equipment and their prayers while honey hunting.
Madhu Duniya insert_2007 13 Voices from the Forest
The NTFP EP for south and southeast asia is organising the Madhu Duniya conference. Communities to share knowledge , exchange technologies and information. Origin of honeymoon. The honey related books and films from various places.
Terra Madre_2006
The kashmir saffron producers and The Kotagiri Honey producers, Their cultivation methods and how they are using the saffron and honey for their rituals and livelihood.
Paradise Lost..Almost - Ever Busy_2006 May
Honey bees are a busy species in the western ghats, it helps in conserve the biodiversity of the region. The existence is threatened by diversity factors. To conserve the indigenous hoeny bees in the western ghats they have launched save honey bees campaign iin '92.
A Trip to Keystone_ Voices from the Forest_2006 05 no 10
The Visitor Perspective about KF and their initiatives among the indigenous community people of NBR. The marketting activities for NTFP's through KF.
Tapping into gums and resins_2005 April- Voices from the Forest
India is now the third largest exporter of gums and resins in the wolrd. Some methods adopted for extraction are unsustainable, causing significant damage to the tree. Information about quality parameters, markets and trade and also harvesting methods.sharing information amongst a diverse range of people working with gums and resins.
Enterprise led Biodiversity Conservation_2004 Summer The Ford Foundation Bulletin
Conducting research on NTFP's and tribal communities collection practices. It helps to conserve forests and NTFP, thereby improving the livelihoods and living conditions of tribal people.